The National Jericho
Movement expresses its support for the Samidoun
Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network’s right to exist and its human rights obligation to build solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners and
with all Political Prisoners in the United States and other countries. Every Palestinian arrested
or kidnapped and incarcerated under the apartheid
regime called Israel is a Political Prisoner. When a
people enter a country already occupied and self-governed and usurps that
land, continues to encroach upon and oppress the inhabitants, bulldozes their
homes and forces them to live in increasingly smaller areas – globally now recognized
as outdoor prisons – and over the
76+ years of its colonial rule has incarcerated millions, with
thousands being children, every prisoner becomes a Political Prisoner because
of the injustice inherent in the system itself.
Since 2011 Samidoun has made the world aware of the injustice, torture,
deaths, and gross human rights violations of Palestinian Prisoners. As of October 15, 2024, the United States Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Samidoun, baselessly
accusing it of acting as an international fundraiser for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and thus
designating it as a “specially designated terrorist” organization. Jericho also condemns the listing of Palestinian writer
and organizer Khaled Barakat
as part of the same attack.
According to international law, the Palestinian people have the right to resist occupation, including through armed
will continue to support Samidoun’s work in uplifting and supporting
Palestinian Prisoners, as it will support all efforts to shed light on
political cases, prisoners, and campaign for
their freedom in the United States as well as
abroad. And Jericho asks that all movement organizations
that champion the rights of the
oppressed do the same.
Jihad Abdulmumit

This blog site is a platform for all National and International Solidarity announcements such as events, rallies, and nationwide protests. This is part of the, solidarity movement on Cuba.
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