November 1, 2023 Radio Habana Cuba Cuba defends its right to development in the face of the impact of the U.S. blockade, with a high economic cost and suffering for the population, Terence Marryshow, an activist in solidarity with our country, said Wednesday. The only crime the Caribbean country has committed is the defense of its own model, the doctor and member of the Cuba-Grenada coalition told Prensa Latina. In response, the international community has been demanding for more than three decades that it is time to remove that criminal siege, while the United States does not seem to listen to that demand, he added. For his part, the Ecuadorian César Sánchez acknowledged the marked interest of that policy to economically asphyxiate the Caribbean country. The triumph of the Revolution in 1959 was a stone in the shoe of the United States; from that moment on, the measures seeking a change at any cost began, declared the also member of the organization Cuba Sí. Unfort...